I feel I must inform you of a huge mistake that you are making. Maybe you don't know. Maybe you just don't care....but I feel compelled to tell you:

Granted, I'm not the expert in hairstyles. I have spent the past five years of my meager existence being bored to tears with my hair and doing anything to it to just give me a little thrill.
When long I have had it cornrowed....

I have kinked the crap out of it.....

I have kinked the crap out of it.....
I completely understand dear women, if you don't take my advice. I mean, I am quite a whack-job when it comes to hair. But I did see a picture of Angelina Jolie in this bouffant pony-tail crap, and even on Angelina...Hello?....Angelina effing Jolie, she looks like a crack horror needing a fix. So if Angelina can't pull it off, think twice my lovely ladies. You are better off without it.
Your trusty goddess of style,
....but what if I have been "freshly f*cked" is it okay then? I'm with you on the hair thang. The other day as I was meeting one of my new neighbors (who had the requisite "freshly f*cked" blonde ponytail)I could not help wondering how I was ever going to recognize her again? She looked just like every other blonde on my street...skinny, pretty, and pony tailed. -boisecommaidaho-
They seem to breed out here don't they?
Can I get an AMEN!
Thank you for your great words of wisdom.
Not that you asked or care but I love love love your short blonde do.
As for the freshy f*cked look I agree but must admit it's better than the "hey I'm cool and don't wash my hair" ala Kristen Stewart and that whole vampire gang look. WTF is that about?
dannogal-Is it just me or is the entire town of Mayberry going bouffant?
Peggy - Thanks for the blonde comment. I'll try not to tease or hairspray it! The Kristin Stewart thing cracks me up. "I'm beautiful, I weigh 98 pounds and I look skanky" seems to be the new hot trend.
I officially hate you.
It seems as though you can carry off any look. Even bald?
(j/k.... sort of) ;)
shaved chicks are hot...
I officially hate you too. Your rack along with those lips of yours are enough to send any man to their knees. Guys in the emergency room must get hard-ons despite their heart attacks, motorcyle road rashes and missing limbs when you are on duty.
Bitch. (jk-right?)
Carlos-That's not the only things that's shaved. *wink*
Oh T you're absolutely adorable with all those hair styles. Except maybe that kinky thing, not so sure about that. Hmmmm. Let me look at it again....
Nope, that was bad...
How come I never notice the bad hair out here??? Or anything else. Maybe you and boisecommaidaho should come and sit at the Merc and kind of gag outloud when a dork comes in. I love making fun of people just as much as the next guy!
Aww cmon Jodi - kinky is my favorite...in more ways than one!
Holy crap, you are ADORABLE!!
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