I have never really cared who was attracted to me....men, women, hermaphrodites, the dog humping my leg. I like the attention.
But I must say I have been quite surprised by the amount of female attention that has been directed my way lately. Women following me around stores. Women going out of their way to say "hi" to me. The "Britney Spears Buzz" seems to be working for me.

On the other hand, men stare at me like I'm some sort of freak. That's okay too. I am kinda freaky by nature and then when you add my confident personality, that sends them running away from me with their tail between their legs. They are not up for the challenge.
The checker at the grocery store that I frequent knows me by face. When he saw me the other day, he appeared shocked. He then went out of his way to bag my groceries, lift them and determine they were too heavy for me, re-bag my groceries and then deny me the right to even carry them in a basket to my car. He thought I was sick. (I am, but in a twisted kinda not ill way.) I thought about mentioning to him that I wasn't really ill and that I cut my hair for my sister and all of the details surrounding having little hair on my head in the butt-f*ck frozen tundra that I live in, but then I realized that I really like having a man carry my groceries to the car.
I also had a little boy of about 9 years of age, stop me in a store and tell me how beautiful I was. Bubby had to ruin it by whispering to me after he walked away that the boy looked retarded. Bubby's such a reassuring kind of guy......
OH! MY! GOD! I laughed so hard I nearly cried reading this! Did you kick Bubba's butt for ruining your moment? I like the checker dude, I probably would have done the same... except I would have meantioned that I need to work on my strength so could he combine not seperate the bags???? Drives me crazy when they put one thing in each bag, haven't they heard of saving a tree... a plastic one at least.
I think that is pretty funny about the woman. Maybe it is the gaydare frequency in the area- you might want to call the FCC to have it fixed! LOL
Lesbian, definitely. lol
When I shaved my head I was shocked by the attention I received from men. Not many women at all. It was the opposite of what I had expected.
You remind me of the lead singer of the Eurythmics...which is a good thing, she's hot.
I did laugh when I read that Bubby told you the boy was retarded. What a sweetheart that Bubby is ;-)
you look amazing!
K-Kay here! I can relate! Donut and I were having lunch the other day, and I told her everyone was looking at us like I was a dyke, and she was my partner.....she looked around and started winking at everyone!!!! We laughed soooo hard. I kinda like my hair right now, really shaved awaiting hair fallout! Wish you were here with us!!! Love Ya!
You look hot, girl. I would never be that brave....although I don't have a sister either so if my brother lost his hair it wouldn't be much of a stretch, LOL. Totally LMAO at Bubby's comment, too. You guys must laugh all day at your house!
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