I had a birthday this month. I thought I might show you some photos of my very low-key celebration:

I have birthday pie every year. I don't like cake. This pie is my favorite. A chocolate silk pie. What could be wrong with whip cream and dark chocolate? Bubby decided to put 41 candles on the pie.....which was fine until all the kids wanted to take turns lighting the candles.
In the birthday package was my little piece of heaven. A super soft, totally fluffy heated blanket. I totally get it when kids want to carry their blankies around. If I could, I would take this blanket every where I went!

Izzy blowing out the candles.
Note: see how the candles have turned into little nubs. It takes a looooonnnggg time for four kids to light 41 candles.

Oh! Did I mention the pie melted? It was kind of a soupy mess when it was served on to my plate but tasted divine none the less.
Well, I'm a 43 year old cake eater, but with 6 kids wanting to take turns lighting the candles, my cake kind of looks like your pie by the end. HA!
Happy (belated)Birthday!!
Those pictures are really cool!
Happy Birthday sweet Tallulah. I hope it was a fabulous one.
By the way, growing up I ALWAYS had my mom make me a chocolate silk pie beause I wasn't a huge fan of bday cake. Nobody touched that thing but me. I would eat the whole thing in one day.
Mmm, now I want a chocolate pie. . .
Thanks TJ!
Candice - We are soul sisters. You are the only person I will ever admit to (besides the entire blogging universe)that I too, have eaten an entire chocolate silk pie.
Happy Birthday! You're 41 all year, right? I may tell you Happy Birthday next week too! :)
I swear I don't remember you mentioning your 40th. Trickery?
My husband's granny makes THE best homemade chocolate pie ever. E.V.E.R. My mouth just watered.
Loved the birthday candle bonfire too :) Hope it was a truly lovely day!
My best bday celebration was last year when my husband made me a "black tie mousse cake" from scratch-- yes, like the kind at the olive garden, and then a whole bunch of us went bowling. Bowling!! Then all the power went out and we wandered to a candle-lit bar down the street. Fantastic.
Glad you enjoyed your celebration.
Jenn-I try not to mention those new decade years. It just depresses me. Your husband's granny sounds so special!
Michelle-Your birthday celebration sounds divine!
Happy Birthday! Glad to see you survived the first year of the new decade. Very encouraging. Btw, how was the rabbit hole? I'd like a review in case I want to visit one day soon. -boisecommaidaho-
love the pics 41? no fucking way...i hope i'm as much fun when i get there...
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