Take for instance, Bubby's obsession with green.....
Dirty clothes awaiting laundry.
Freshly laundered shirts to hang up (long sleeve).

Freshly laundered shirts to hang up (short sleeve).
Count 'em. That's twelve shirts that I just washed that are green. Oh! And all of the shirts have cute little nerdy pockets to hold mechanical pencils while Bubby is performing his uber-geek job.
I don't have room to complain though. Everything in my closet is black.

Freshly laundered shirts to hang up (short sleeve).

I don't have room to complain though. Everything in my closet is black.
If you looked in your closet, what predominant color would you see?
My hubby is the same way, but with green coats. He has, I think, TWELVE coats in various shades of green. Hunting coats, rain coats, biking coats, casual coats....every stinkin' one of 'em some form of forest green.
My closet used to be all black (my sister and mom will be happy to tell you all about my black years). But I've really gotten into color lately. Now you'll see lots of oranges, reds, greens, browns and charcoal grey. And ALL solids; I think I own exactly 2 dresses with a pattern of any sort.
So yeah, let's see YOUR closet.
Heath is all about BLUE. My dad was all about shades of gray.
Guys are weird.
I have many colors. I do love black, blue and brown the best. But since having girls, I've added alot more color to my own wardrobe. Fortunately not too much of it is gagsy cutsie.
Kate-Glad to know I'm not alone buried in green.
You wouldn't want to see my closet - unless you enjoy witnessing a sea of black.
Jenn-I agree. Guys are weird. You have great skin coloring. I'm sure you look fabulous in every color you're wearing!
Oh yeah? What color should I wear now cuz I'M BLUSHING.
Now that you are brunette, are there any colors you want to try that you didn't/wouldn't as a blonde?
Jenn-I wish there were a color but I am die-hard black. It's slimming and it goes with everything. I never have to wonder what to wear (okay, maybe a little grey in there too.)
love green goes with everything, once in awhile i branch into tan or white love the earthy tones...
I'm an all the colors in the rainbow kinda gal. Generally dark pants but the tops can be anything. Red is good. red is hot.
Buuuuubbbbby.... I love that pet name.
Prhaps Bubby is wearing green because he is going green - could be some sort of lizard or belief in preserving the planet.....or maybe he is just reverting to his immortal status as a green god...
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