We live in a very safe community. Parents let their kids roam at will. They go to the pool, they hang out at our local Mercantile, they bike and scooter all over our community. It is great to see children grow up the way I grew up....a small, safe town that you roamed around and played with your friends until it got dark.
But times have changed and so have the parents raising their children. I think I am the only parent in this community that won't let their children have a cell phone. How do I keep track of them?
Me: "Christian, where are you going?"
Christian: "I'm going down to the library."
Later, I will call the library and verify that he is there. If he wants to go out and play in "the woods" or ride his bike around, I give him a decent time to come home and then I expect him to be there. It seems pretty simple doesn't it?
But now I think things have gone a little to far.....

The two children in front of me at the Mercantile yesterday had credit/debit cards that they used to buy candy and pop with.
What 8 year old needs his own credit card? Are we teaching our children that plastic can just buy stuff whenever we want it?
I think I 'm getting old.
Um, so would that be bad to have a Hello Kitty credit card? Um, not that I have one of course, but, um...
Well that would just be SILLY for a grown woman to have a Hello Kitty card. Wouldn't it?
Oh, and another thing. I see those little turds coming in with $20 dollar bills all the time buying candy. Hell, I don't have $20 in MY pocket!
Well, obviously these last couple of sucky economic years still haven't taught many Americans a lesson about greed or instant gratification!
Heath and I have discussed what we'll do when the girls get older and want more independence (ie. not velcroed to us). I do like the phones that only allow 3 numbers. I think no child has business texting.
I think we'll just put a GPS chip in the girls' heads.
I'm not a parent but I'm thinking that if I was one of the controlling type A's out here, I would say "wow, a debit card for kids, that's more brilliant than a GPS in the phone because I can track Sally instantly, every time she swipes the kitty. The added benefit is I know what she's buying, it might be better than a diary."
Jodi-Hello Kitty is for adults thank you very much! And yes, I was wondering how often you got children in there with big bills and debit cards!
Jenn-I'm all for the GPS micro-chip. You can map them out to see if they are going over to boys houses.
Boisecomma - You have a good point there. It would be nice to keep track of swiped kitty now woudn't it?
Just want to say AMEN, to that sistah! I hear so many parents complain about being forced into cell phones...Glad I haven't had to fight that battle yet. And, Jodi - TOTALLY with you girlfriend....it's a miracle if I have a $5 in my wallet! Where do I get in line? ;-)
So.. as a parent of a kid who has had a cell phone since he started Jr. High, I have to confess that they make the world a bit easier for me. He's with his father half the time, plays sports and is always busy - it allows me to touch base with him. The upside is that I also have all his friend's numbers so I can talk to anyone at (almost) any time. I remember what I did because my mom couldn't track me down so I'm a fan of cell phones (starting in Jr. High).
Makes sense...especially in a divorced situation.
We have told the kids that they can't have a cell phone until they can drive. At this rate, and their immaturity levels, they may be 18 before we let them take the drivers ed test! hee hee
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