Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Izzy's first day of preschool was this morning. Last year it was hard on Izzy. He didn't want to go. This year it was hard on me. It was hard letting go......

Every little boy needs a lobster shirt on their first day don't they? Look at how Izzy's back pack is so large that he has to keep his arms raised so it doesn't fall off! This picture reminds me of just how little he really is.

This last photo is of the shoes that Izzy picked out at the store to be his school shoes. After some negotiating, we decided these will be his "at home dancing shoes."
My dear sweet Izzy is growing up..........


Anonymous said...

I hope he had a great day - and I love the shoes. Every boy needs a pair of dancing shoes like those.

Izzy has great taste.

MeesheMama said...

I hope that my sons, as they grow, get to be as awesome as Izzy.

Girlie said...

Tallulah, he's precious!

I missed his long did you convince him to cut it?

Jennboree said...

HAHAHA...omg...the dancing shoes. That is adorable! Izzy is just adorable and I imagine somewhat perplexing for you! :) But then, aren't all kids.

Also funny cuz he's 1) wearing a foodie shirt and 2) I thought he was raising his arms in triumph over preschool.