Friday, July 01, 2005


I remember years ago hearing John Travola in an interview. He said that he and Kelly Preston keep things romantic by dining together alone every night. The kids were fed earlier by them (or the Nanny I'm sure) and then John and Kelly had a romantic dinner by candlelight after the little ones were in bed. I remember Bubby and I remarking how self-centered and cruel that was. Dinner time should be family time. I'm having second thoughts.......

Last night, Leroy (who is six) decided he was a vegetarian. Leroy didn't want any of the grilled pork. Leroy wanted the fresh fava beans and the salad from our cooperative organic garden. That's okay with Bubby and I. We were vegetarians for most of our adult lives until five kids came in to the picture.

Tori (who is ten) loaded up on everything. She's not a picky eater.

Christian (who is seven) just wanted meat. Surprise! Surprise! If it's not meat or macaroni and cheese, the child won't eat it. Thank God for multi-vitamins.

Izzy (who is two) wanted to sit on my lap rather than in his chair. Okay.....

Bubby and I were just beginning a conversation about the fourth of July activities, when Christian started heaving up food from his mouth on to his plate. The one fava bean I gave him to eat was apparently grossing him out. Then Tori who loves salad announced that this salad was icky. Leroy then chimed in that vegetarians SOMETIMES eat meat and didn't want his salad. Izzy who was chewing on a rather large piece of pork, spit his out on to my bare leg and then started SCREAMING because he wanted to jump on the trampoline. I hadn't taken my first bite yet.

Remember when you were little and your parents would lecture you about the starving people in China? Well Bubby started talking to the kids about being grateful. He told them about kids all over the world who didn't have any food to eat. I couldn't believe this was coming out of his mouth! He then told them that it takes around thirty days without food to die. How terrible that there were children going without food for thirty days. The kids looked incredulous. I don't think they believed him. They are the kids that want proof. Even if Bubby showed them pictures, I'm sure Christian would question whether they were digitally altered.

Sometimes I wonder why I torture myself with those great "family bonding" dinners when I could be living the dinner life of John and Kelly.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dare you to try it for a week. Ten bucks says all it really does for you is causes you to lose a bunch of weight because by the time you get all the kids fed and in bed, you'll just go to bed too.