A. Slash the little lady's neck with a very sharp Hallmark card that would give her a gashing paper cut from hell.
B. Dye my hair.
If you don't remember that post, click here.
After bleaching the f*ck out of my hair for a year or so, some weird things started to happen.....
*My hair started falling out (imagine that!)
*I didn't like looking at my dark roots so much when it started growing out.
*The attention that I was getting from men because of my blond locks got boring.
*Bubby started calling out other names in bed like...."Oh God" and "Oh Jesus". And although I love being called names that put me up on a religious pedestal, I missed him shouting out "Oh tallulah!"
*When people touched my hair, they often mistakened it for a Brillo pad.
Look at how sad I look............
It was time for a change.....Welcome to the new T!
I am so surprised! Can you tell? The new color totally make me feel like a vampire. I didn't even Photoshop out my real fangs coz I'm feeling kind of evil.
What color do you like better? Be honest....I can totally take it.
I love it dark. It looks healthy and really sets off your eyes. Just my humble little opinion!
The blond is to light for your skin but hell I am no expert. I like the auburn it gives you color.
I like the brunette - it makes your eyes pop - or else you're being goosed not sure.
Seriously Tallulah, you're pretty either way but I am leaning towards brunette because of your coloring.
LOVE the new color! Blond was good, but I love this color. And why do you have a Converse ad on your blog?
You are a NUT! I mean that in a good way, of course.
The blond is cute and punk and edgy, but it washed you out. The dark is GORGEOUS on you with your eyes. Hooray for brunettes!!
As I told you at lunch yesterday, you have the most amazing ability to look smashingly beautiful with any length hair that is any color. I think I like the brown better, though, cause your roots were driving me crazy!
Sheri-Your little humble opinion counts!
Somewhere in time-I think the blonde was too light. I'm super pale.
Anonymous-Show yourself or your opinion doesn't count!
Peggy-I WAS goosing myself in that picture. I looked happy.
Jodi-Thanks Jodi. Converse ad? I saw hair coloring ads and laser hair removal ads. Give me a break here. Can't a girl make a dime or two?
Kate-A nut? That's an understatement. Brunettes unite! (until I dye it again)
Elle-heh heh, I was wondering why you were always staring at my scalp!
brown pls... love what it does to your eyes...
Just plain love you in whatever your latest fashion is. You look good bald, blond, brunette and orange. Really!
This is a hard question to answer. As a blonde, I am partial to your blonde locks, regardless of your skin tone (as I am pale myself). However, that being said, I have to say the darker color is better. I also must say that I'm super jealous. I have see you with blonde, auburn, longer hair, no hair - the works and you pull it off fabulously! I, myself, have had the same hairstyle since I was 16.....
I've loved the blonde, the bald, the fro, the vamp and now the shiny chocolate 'do.
For the record, I think you will make a sexy gray haired lady whenever you get brave enough to go that route. I know, I know...you've just thrown the mouse at the computer screen.
You look hot brunette. Very...
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