Please excuse my absence. You see, I got my computer re-configured and it took a long-ass time to get it up and functioning again. Speaking of fat-ass, um...I mean long-ass.....Izzy got a hold of the camera again and wants me to share this with you.
In the process, I lost my photoshop capabilities and really, what's a blog without a bunch of photos? I apologize profusely for you having to witness that goofy picture of Bubby every time you logged on to my site for the past month.
Now that I am back in the saddle, I hope that you will take the time to follow me and my excruciatingly boring life in the not-so-interesting town of Mayberry.
Oh, and if you think I'm dissing you because I haven't returned your phone cell phone is now broken. A certain person who shall not be named broke the damn thing so please don't think that I don't love you.

You are my readers....I have to love you.
Yee haw! Bubby is fine to look at, but you have to realize that I have such a pathetically boring life that I tend to check my favorite blogs AT LEAST 6 TIMES A DAY! If you don't write anything new, I get very bored...
OH, and that "nameless" one circled in blue, yes, she looks like TROUBLE...
Yes, boring! I've been home for the last two months without even the benefit of children to cut the boredom! Don't people ever leave their houses here? I had no idea it was so quiet during the day! -boisecommaidaho-
Jodi-Trouble...yes. Sweet as a kitten...yes.
Boisecomma-It's only quiet because all of the nannies have the kids locked in their rooms playing video games!
Nannies! For what? Seems to me everyone is a stay-at-home mom. Sheesh!
I know Mom's that stay home full time and have nannies. Imagine that!
Oh Thank Goodness you are back. I have resisted the urge to comment about your missing-ness, because I really needed a few good laughs recently, but I always hate feeling guilted into blogging and I wanted to spare you the insinuation, even if that wasn't what I meant. It isn't like you are in charge of making us all happy. (And it isn't like you've got nothing to do all day.)
I'm very excited about wandering off to the other posts.
Meeshemama-Just catching up on all of my blog friends (including you of course!)
It appears as if life has been crazy-busy and trying and beautiful....
I always thought I was in charge of making everyone happy. So sorry I have let you down!
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