Monday, April 06, 2009


The VANITY GODS have been watching over me lately. They have been up on their little golden, prissy thrones waiting for just the right moment to play a cruel joke on me. With time on the VANITY GODS sides, it wasn't long before they could choose the right moment to strike.

Scroll down for Exibit A.......

My hair is the same color as the Peeps.

I have Peep hair....and it is really quite scary.

My stylist was out of town and I "HAD" (insert pithy whining here) to get my hair done before my dear rich and successful friends from grade school met me for a girlfriend kind of reunion.

So damn you all to hell VANITY GODS! You got your laugh. Now shut the fuck up.


Anonymous said...

What a great shot! Ever thought about "Peep-y" advertising??? BTW - the OLD vanity Gods put in the word "oldish" for word verification for if!

elle said...

I thought you looked great when I drove by today....from afar you look fabulous!!

tallulah said...

Kiki-It was so nice of you to laugh your ass off at my hair. Oh, and thanks for the Peeps!

Elle-Please, focus on the word "afar".

Jodi said...

Well, once I had my daughter (24 at the time) do my hair. I had picked out the color and she put it on. When we rinsed it off, it was, ummmmm, how do I describe it. Oh yes, you know how Barbie's blond hair is almost clear? Yes, I had "clear" blond hair. It was awful.

So what have we learned from this? Probably nothin'...

tallulah said...

Jodi-What I would do right now for clear blonde hair. Ummm...cut off my left pinkie finger? Uh huh.

Jodi said...

Oh heck, let's go get a new color and I'll fix you up. It's kinda like painting a room. If you're done and don't like it, get a new color - it's easy to change!

Jennboree said...

I love it! So retro with the cute teensy bow. Are you doing Peeps ads on the sly? Should we look for hot pink next?


john said...

rock the bleached hair like a punk-rock mom! you know i love it.


Queen Lindsay said...

Oh yes, you are rockin the blonde! I like it and I love peeps!

tallulah said...

Jodi-The stylist said if I paint my hair in the not-too-distant future, it will fall out. I'm stuck with yellow for a while.

Jenn, John & Queen - You guys are too kind. Thanks for boosting my confidence. Now I'm a "ROCKIN BLONDE"!