Laser Hair Removal
I'm sure all you women can agree with me when I say that the summer-time red bumps, itching and general swimsuit misery can send you into tears for a good three months of the year.
Wish me luck. And if any of you have had laser hair removal or have suggestions about how to prepare for the pain involved in re-claiming my prepubescent state....please offer your wisdom to a slightly frightened soul.
Let me know how that goes. I just about through with all the waxing.
OMG! I am SOOOOO jealous! I called aboutt his a few weeks ago and the girls was like "it will cost you a child a time and we need six of them!" I am not sure i want to have SIX of them! LMAO
Let us know how it works, I have not met anyone who has actually ahd it done! This is exciting I can't wait to hear all about it!
It's something I've definitely thought about often (like, every time I get waxed), but haven't yet worked up the guts (or funds) for it. Best of luck!
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