Tuesday, June 13, 2006


For all of you wondering what's up with Leroy's legs, here's the scoop...........

Leroy has a condition known as Idiopathic toe walking. Leroy walks on his toes to the point where his tendons become too tight and then Leroy CAN"T walk flat on his feet. The point of casting both of his legs is to force him to walk on his heels and help re-train his brain. Leroy's surgeon said that 30% of kids don't need surgery and 70% do. We are hoping that Leroy can be in the 30% range so he won't need surgery to lengthen his tendons.

It doesn't seem to slow him down.......

He rode his bicycle all day yesterday and today he went swimming (we forked out the extra dough for gortex casts). I thought for sure Leroy would sink like a rock, but he didn't. Leroy swam the whole time, smile on his face....enjoying life.

Leroy never complains. I can definitely learn a thing or two from my son.


Anonymous said...


john said...

so adorable!