Thursday, May 31, 2007


Bubby and I try to introduce our children to new food and interesting restaurants. Last night we decided to take the kids out for Indian Food.

It wasn't so bad until we were leaving for the restaurant. Tori decided to have a major "I'm a Drama Queen Tween" tantrum. After calmly speaking with Tori, Bubby taking Tori inside the house to threaten her with her life and then....outside the restaurant, allowing her to cry it out before entering the restaurant. The family was exhausted. We wanted to eat. Tori wanted attention.

After the food arrives and Leroy does his gagging fits (large %'s of Autistic children have sensitivities to sounds or smells.... we are so blessed that Leroy has both), I explain to Leroy that it is rude to the chef and people that work there to let them know you don't like their food. I said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth quiet." Leroy then proceeded to ever-so-slyly flip me off. ( Leroy doesn't know what it means, but knows it is an inappropriate thing to do. He does it by pretending to count his fingers starting with all five showing and then using process of elimination with the middle one left standing.) For some reason, this did not go over well with me.....................

Fast forward 15 minutes later as Leroy and I are sitting outside of the restaurant. The meal is going swell at this point. Leroy gagging, Tori pouting with an occasional tear streaming down her face, Bubby about ready to blow a gasket and Mikey saying ever-so-politely, "I don't care for this food but thank you." The only one really enjoying his meal was Izzy. Eating all of the spicy curry's and washing it down with a mango smoothie.

Needless to say, we had a TON of food leftover. Bubby had to fill four large cartons full of food and put it in a paper bag sized container with handles for us to take home. I was so excited to enjoy the next day or two of Indian curry's and Raita for lunch and dinner. I was reveling in the fact that I could eat my fabulous food without the children or complaints.

When I woke up this morning to start the coffee, I noticed that Bubby forgot to put the bag in the refrigerator. Tears welling up in my eyes, I plopped the bag in the garbage.

Fast forward to this afternoon after returning from running errands.......

All containers strewn throughout the house.
All completely empty.

Our dogs got to enjoy the feast.
I have a feeling their stomachs are going to pay later.............

What do you think? Thai food next?


Anonymous said...

That outing sounds like it would be translated into a tragically hysterical film. And I thought I was the only one dealing with outings of that's so nice to know that it happens to others.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tallulah,
I've been trying to email you but my email won't go through!

mist1 said...

I eat stuff that I left out all night on the counter all the time. Only once have I had to call the e. Coli helpline.

tallulah said...

Shevon...I tried emailing you as well and my email was returned. I even put in the password to try to leave you a note on your blog and it wouldn't take that as well. I will keep working on it!

tallulah said...

Mist- You are a brave soul.

tallulah said...

Ms. Analyzer - Even as the events were unfolding, I wish someone had a video camera...I think I forgot to mention the part where Leroy broke out in song (another sly attempt)about his disdain for Indian food.

Jennboree said...

Oh my...I couldn't help but laugh and feel sorry for you all at once!

You mean to tell me tantrums continue past the age of three? Holy crap, I'll need drugs.

Bliss said...

lawd momma. my daughter seems to like all manner of foreign foods. too bad for me cuz i never get the good leftovers. yeah, take em to the thai place next. maybe y'all will remember to put the food in the fridge (don't you just hate that?! my hubby does the same thing!) and you'll have some goodies all to yourself. :-)