Christian just lost a tooth the other day. We have a certain area where the kids put their baby tooth in a baggy and set in out for the Tooth Fairy. You see, here at our house, unless the damn tooth is right under our noses, the Tooth Fairy forgets to leave money for the child and then there are lots of tears. Hey! Nobody said we were perfect. Just busy.
Well Leroy hasn't lost a tooth in awhile. And Leroy has also learned the valuable lesson of manipulation and lying to possibly get things to go his way. So when Christian left his tooth out for the Tooth Fairy last week, look what we found lying next to the tooth.....(and not in Christian's handwriting I might add.)

Leroy has now "officially" lied to the Tooth Fairy. I think that one takes the cake!
Ha ha! He needs to learn that the tooth fairy is nobody's fool! That's too funny.
Oh my god, that is CLASSIC! Love it love it love it! He can come to Chicago and manipulate people for me any day.
That is awesome. If you're going to dream, dream big.
Tee heee....I bet the tooth fairy's not buying!
I don't even know where the rest of my kid's teeth are. I made a valiant attempt to keep track, then they'd bring it to school for show and tell, and that's it. I don't know where it is.
My kids will show me the vacant spot and claims prices. BTW, they don't say quarter...Yoel, my DS1 would say, "I lost a teeth, is it going to be twenty dollars?"
ROTFLMBO!!!! Oh that is the funniest thing, I litterally started laughing out loud. As much as I look forward to the laughes in the years to come from funnies such as this.... I also don't think I am quite ready and able to wait it out a bit! LOL
PS... so I am curious... what did the toothfairy have to say about that??? LOL
Brilliant! Can't wait to see what he tells the Easter Bunny...
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