The lovely thing about being married to a writer, is the criticism that can occur when you use words incorrectly on your blog. Take for instance an email that I received from Bubby last week.....
"Thought you might appreciate me mentioning that you keep using then/than wrong on your blog so you can stop. At first, I thought it was a typo or a spellchecker making bad assumptions. But since you keep using it, I figure that it's really just you.
Anyway, you will type something like,
"I'd rather fight then switch."
It should be,
"I'd rather fight than switch."
Then is refers to a sequence in time. Than makes a comparison.
It's your business, either way. But, you were quoting me when you used on your current blog. I don't misuse those words.
Hate me if you will,
Love, Bubby"
Anyway, you will type something like,
"I'd rather fight then switch."
It should be,
"I'd rather fight than switch."
Then is refers to a sequence in time. Than makes a comparison.
It's your business, either way. But, you were quoting me when you used on your current blog. I don't misuse those words.
Hate me if you will,
Love, Bubby"
Isn't that sweet? Bubby's always looking out for my best interests. I might have to invest in a Strunk & White's Elements of Style THAN to look like a stupid-ass on my blog again.
Thanks Bubby!
Ha ha haaa!! Bubby is awesome. But THEN, I have low standards. :)
Time to withhold the strap-on...
Now how sweet is that!
So was it kinda like listening to the grown-ups on Charlie Brown by the time you got to the end of that email?
How can you NOT love constructive criticism like that?
Good to see you're taking it so well. Consider the advice below to be your last rescue from yourself.
There should be no hyphen in "stupid ass" as it was used in your last blog. Stupid was merely refering to which type of ass you might be. However, if you were to refer to yourself as a "stupid-ass blogger," THEN you would be correct.
Oh this is hysterical.
Thank you both for the giggles this morning.
Kate-Apparently we both have low standards for men. I'll ask Jodi to pray for us.
Candice-Good idea! Bubby is now officially without the strap-on until he can mind his manners.
Jodi-Yes...isn't he so sweet?
Jenn-Most things that come out of his mouth have a Charlie Brownesque quality to them. I am the master of tuning out.
Bubby-Um....have I told you to fuck off recently? Oh yeah, I have.
Peg-Glad we could be of some service.
lol someone is cruising for a cockpunch!!
Carlos-Are you feeling the love?
So funny. I knew I was using then/than wrong. Couldn't remember the "rule".
Thanks...glad I read this blog! I am sure warm balls are the way to go....
I love the fact that while he was politely correcing you, he inserted the word "is" where it was not needed. Oooops.
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