But before you get your knickers in a twist and think that I am going all Big Love/Mormon cult on you, let me give you the top five reasons that I believe in polygamy (and polyandry too!)

2. With the divorce rate so high, plural marriage may just keep those divorce numbers down. Jim Bob isn't looking for another woman when he has three at home to keep sexually busy.
3. Company and a clean house. Haven't you ever wanted a friend to hang out with you all day and clean out the pantry or organize the linens? You would have a built in woman who helped you keep the house clean, take care of children and run errands. And if you had multiple husbands, the lawn would always be mowed, the garage cleaned and very little on your honey-do list. Not to mention the HUGE increase in your bank funds with several men going to the office every day and bringing home big, fat paychecks.
4. Sex. It sure would be nice to count on certain days of the week for sex with your man. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday while the other wives had different days? Totally. Every night? Fugettaboutit. If you had multiple husbands, you may have to purchase extra slip-n-slide....unless of course they are gay.
5. The dating scene would completely change. No more settling for less. No more getting discouraged because all of the good guys/girls are living together or married. You wouldn't have to speed date or dweeb date.
Of course there are factors that could potentially be harmful to the polygamy/polyandry movement. Mainly jealousy. Men and women would have to be completely comfortable sharing their spouse.
Could you do it?
That is a hoot Tallulah!
Sadly the thing that appealed to me the most was #3. How pathetic am I?
who knew? i'm an old fashioned girl!
i couldn't, and i mean that literally, agree with you more... now if you could just convince my missus
Hell yes!
I would totally have at least one gay husband that could do hair. That would save me a fortune.
Peggy-#3 totally makes sense! Not pathetic at all.
Carlos-I have a feeling I couldn't convince the missus of anything.
Candice- Wouldn't it be perfect if not only he could do hair...but be a date to go to all of the musicals with!
Well, I'd have 5 gay husbands just cause then not only could they do my hair, but also decorate my house, do my clothes shopping, and set me up some narley parties. And we could all be best friends!
Jodi- gay men can get catty.. worse than chicks! LOL
T- See in my luck I would end up the third wife and them other bitches would be snotty, I would probably get kicked out for telling someone off! LOL As far as the hubbys... I could barely handle one wtf would I do with two? Although number three does have an appeal! lol
I could totally dig some gay husbands. Not more wives though. Can you imagine when all of them get on the same cycle? I can barely stand myself when I bitch out, I certainly don't want to have to listen to someone else go off about what Husband won't do cuz I'll ALREADY KNOW THAT.
However, a lesbian wife...hmmm...
I agree completely!! It should absolutely be legal for consenting adults. Legalizing it would bring it out of the shadows and would make it sooo much easier to police (and keep the young girls safe).
You forgot one important benefit: CHILD CARE. You would never have to worry about finding a sitter; there would always be a sister-wife available!
Honestly, I think the whole "community living" thing has many, many benefits.
And yeah, I'll take 5 gay husbands, please.
Jodi-That is the EXACT reason I only dated gay men before meeting Bubby (actually, the rumor at work was that he was gay too and I was a little dissapointed to find out otherwise).
Jenn-Now you've done it! Got all those men out there thinking of a Lesbian wife. You bad girl!
Girl next door - With your luck...that's exactly what would happen! lol
You are right Kate! I totally forgot childcare! I guess it didn't reach my radar because I thought everyone stayed home and took care of the kids!
I'm not overly picky - it would be great to have someone around to take care of all those things I can't get done - gay husband or sister wife. I'm just looking for some damn help.
@tallulah & @Jennboree: My wife and I sometimes joke that I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body, and since she has bi tendencies, she gets the best of both worlds.
dannogal- LOL I hear you loud and clear!
Pete-Wow! Lucky wife!
very thought provoking and entertaining!
its against the bible that a biggie.
and i don't like to share a mans attention. it wouldn't work for me. and i think its just wrong it was invented for people who either cant commite or TRULY dont love thire spouse. its rediculous.
I would love it. Wouldn't mind another man or two around, more money, more sex, more people to help out with the kids and the housework. Hell yeah I say! Monogamy is overated!
@Margaret (Peggy or Peg too):
I somehow missed your comment earlier, but I agree that #3 would be great. Nothing against sex with more than one person, but the thing I most miss about dorm life, for instance, is living with a bunch of friends.
I'm not sure that it would be for me, but I do think it's cool, lol. And it is not against the bible, because it is a marriage... and I think I would rather have a family with two wives and two husbands, so I could do both husbands and the wife guilt free, lol (together or seperate, IDK). I am wondering though... The bible says a man shall not lay with another man, but says nothing about women... Would it be considered a gay marriage???
I fail to see how it is "against the bible" when there are many cases throughout the bible where a man has multiple spouses.
Look at, Abraham, David, Solomon, Jacob, etc...Just to name a few. Oh yes, all of those are direct ancestors to Jesus Christ.
You guys are creeps
Humans are able to love more that one person at a time, in different ways. I feel it should be legal then you wouldn't have so many unfaithful people, because one person is not enough for them. Someone can fulfill you in one way, that someone else can't. No one is perfect.
Me and my husband both love polygamy I want two sister wives and my husband would like 3 wives but its hard to find anyone that would like to share a husband
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