If you remember from this post.....I abhor teased hair. I also must remind you that I have no television, no infomercials and no newspapers. This leaves me, as a result walking around pretty much clueless about life. "Balloon boy? What? Car bomb in Afghanistan? Huh?" I have chosen to walk around with my fingers in my ears singing loudly...."LALALALALA LALALALA".
So imagine my surprise when my dear friend Kiki found these at a check out line in Winco.
*Styling your hair this way may result in screwing a man you do not know.
Seriously.....WTF? I thought the phrase Leave-In Inserts only applied to items like butt-plugs and tampons.
So of course, my Bumpits are a completely coveted item now. I thought I would share with you a picture of me Bumpitting.
I may be grinding it when I look THIS hot....
What! No bumping the bangs????
Those things actually work?
From flat to fab - that is SO you.
lol awesome! and you had me at butt plug by the by...
I guess it is better than the toilet paper roll my mother used to put in her hair for the same effect!
You look smokin, T! Can you bumpit the bumpit? Now that'd be sassy.
You ARE the Bumpit QUEEN!!!!
As Baby J would say... "cutiepootootie!" LOL I am with Candice... those things actually work? I am scared to try them, they seem complicated, those little spiky things... promise as somepoint I probably would end up either in the ER or the hair dressers begging them to cut it out! LOL
Lyn-Oh Man! I don't think I could bumpit the bangs!
Candice-Why yes they do my Texan friend. Are you using the toilet paper tube as well?
Carlos-I knew that would catch your attention....
Jenn-Haahahaha! A toilet paper roll? For real? You Texan women totally crack me up!
Kiki-Thanks to you!
Girl Next Door- They are quite easy to use!
I can proudly say I've never used the tp roll in my hair. I haven't really teased my hair since middle school, in fact.
Candice-That's the last time I teased my hair(until the Bumpit)as well. It is a very scary thing.
Please wear this around Mayberry, perhaps while walking your dog, or picking apples....please? Perhaps to the bazaar next weekend? What did Bubby think?
Elle-Are you looking for a chance to make fun of me?
No comment from Bubby. He doesn't care what I do with my hair as long as I'm naked.
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